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Sign up process - Step 1. Agree to Conditions

  • agreeSTEP 1. Agree to Conditions
  • enterSTEP 2. Enter information
  • completeSTEP 4. Registration complete

When signing up for membership, you will be registered as a basic consumer. Busan MICE institutional members will be granted supplier benefits after obtaining institutional approval. For non-institutional members, supplier benefits will be granted after a separate approval.

Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the conditions and disclose the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other matters pertaining to users and the website for use of all services (hereinafter, “Services”) provided by the MICE Industry Business Innovation Platform (hereinafter, “Platform”).

Article 2 (Specification and Revision of Terms and Conditions)
  1. 1 The Platform shall publish the contents of these Terms and Conditions, address, name of administrator, name of personal information protection officer, and contact information (telephone, fax, email address, etc.) on the initial service screen (main page) of the Platform so that users may know them.
  2. 2 The Platform may revise these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, the Digital Signature Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
  3. 3 If the Platform revises the Terms and Conditions, the date of application and the reason for revision will be specified and announced on the initial screen of the Platform, along with the current Terms and Conditions seven (7) days prior to the date of application until the day before the date of application.
  4. 4 Agreeing to these Terms and Conditions means that members agree to visit the Platform regularly to check for changes to the Terms and Conditions. The Platform is not responsible for any damage incurred by users due to lack of information about revised Terms and Conditions.
  5. 5 If members do not agree to the revised Terms and Conditions, they may request for a withdrawal (cancellation) of membership. If they continue to use the Service without expressing their intention to refuse them even after seven (7) days from the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions, it is considered that they agree to the changes in the Terms and Conditions.
  6. 6 Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 3 (Definition of Terms)
  1. 1 The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.
    1. 1 Use Contract: A contract concluded between the Platform and the user in relation to the use of the Service.
    2. 2 Membership: The act of completing the service use agreement by filling out the relevant information in the application form provided by the Platform, and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions
    3. 3 Member: A person who has registered as a member by providing the personal information required for membership registration to the Platform, and can use the information and Service of the Platform.
    4. 4 ID: A combination of letters and numbers determined by the user and approved by the Platform for identification of the customer and use of the Service.
    5. 5 Password: A combination of letters and numbers determined by the user to verify the user's identity as the registered member, and to protect the user's personal information during communication.
    6. 6 Posts: Various files and links, such as text, images, videos, etc., posted by members while using the Service.
    7. 7 Withdrawal (cancellation): The act of terminating the Service or the member’s Service agreement.
  2. 2 Terms not defined in these Terms and Conditions are defined in the separate terms and conditions and usage regulations for individual services.

Chapter 2 Establishment and Termination of the Service Agreement

Article 4 (Establishment of the Service Agreement)
  1. 1 The service agreement is established when the user agrees to the Terms and Conditions, and the Platform approves the application for use.
  2. 2 The agreement to these Terms and Conditions is deemed to be with consent after the user clicks on the “Agree” button on the relevant Platform at the time of registration.
Article 5 (Membership Registration and Withdrawal)
  1. 1 Membership registration is established after the applicant completes the registration by recording the required information in the prescribed membership application form provided by the Platform online.
  2. 2 The Platform may cancel membership for members who fall under any of the following items.
    1. 1 When applying for membership using another person’s name
    2. 2 When the contents of the membership application form are falsely entered
    3. 3 When the application is submitted for the purpose of disrupting social order and morals
    4. 4 When members commit an illegal act, such as interfering with another person's use of the Platform Services or stealing their information
    5. 5 When using the Platform to engage in acts prohibited by the law and the Platform’s Terms and Conditions
    6. 6 When other membership requirements set by the Platform are not met
  3. 3 If any of the following applies, the Platform may postpone the establishment of a service agreement until the issue is resolved.
    1. 1 In case of insufficient Service-related capacity
    2. 2 If there is a technical problem
  4. 4 The Platform provides all Services through self-development or consultation with other organizations, and may notify and provide users with the contents of the Service to be changed when these changes are made.
  5. 5 If there is a change in registration information, the member must immediately notify the Platform of the change by modifying member information or other means.
  6. 6 If there are reasons such as no intention to receive Services provided by the Platform after registration, members may withdraw (cancel) their membership at any time. However, the posts that have been reposted by other people or registered for the purpose of sharing or notification on bulletin boards, communities, cafes, etc. will not be deleted, so members must delete them prior to withdrawing their membership.
Article 6 (Assignment and Change of User Number, etc.)
  1. 1 The Platform assigns user IDs to customers in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
  2. 2 Generally, the ID cannot be changed, and if members wish to change it due to unavoidable reasons, they must terminate the ID and register again.
  3. 3 The ID can be changed at the request of the customer or company in any of the following cases.
    1. 1 When there is concern about privacy infringement because the ID is registered with the user's phone number or resident registration number, etc.
    2. 2 If it causes aversion to other people or goes against public morals
    3. 3 If there are other reasonable reasons
  4. 4 Users are responsible for managing their service ID and password. The user is responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the Service or illegal use by a third party that arises from negligent management, and the Platform is free from any liability for the same.
  5. 5 Other matters related to user personal information management and changes are determined by the Platform.
Article 7 (Consent to Use Member Information)
  1. 1 The Platform protects member information in accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information Maintained by Public Institutions.”
  2. 2 Member information on the Platform is collected, used, managed, and protected as follows.
    1. 1 Collection of personal information: The Platform collects information with the consent of the members when signing up for the Platform Service.
    2. 2 Use of personal information: The Platform does not disclose or distribute members’ personal information collected in connection with the provision of the Platform Service to a third party without the member’s consent. However, in the following cases, a member’s personal information may be provided to a third party to the extent permitted by law: When there is a request from a state agency pursuant to the provisions of laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications, when there is a request for investigation of a crime, when there is a request from the Information and Communications Ethics Committee, or when there is a request pursuant to procedures stipulated in other related laws and regulations.
    3. 3 Management of personal information: Members may modify/delete their personal information at any time through the Service’s personal information management to protect and manage their personal information. Members may also change/edit any part of the information they receive that they deem unnecessary.
    4. 4 Protection of personal information: Only the member's personal information can be viewed/modified/deleted, and is managed entirely by the member's ID and password. Therefore, members must not disclose their ID and password to other people, and they must log out and close the web browser window when they are finished using the platform. (This applies to using their computer in public places, such as Internet cafes or libraries where computers are shared with others. This is necessary to protect member information when using it.)
  3. 3 When members request to use the Platform in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, they are deemed to agree to the Platform collecting and using the member information stated in the application in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Article 8 (User Information Security)
  1. 1 Members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information they entered from the moment they complete the platform service registration process, and are responsible for all consequences arising from the use of their ID and password.
  2. 2 Members are fully responsible for management of their ID and password, and if they discover that their ID or password has been used illegally, they must immediately report it to the website. All responsibility arising from failure to report issues lies with the member.
  3. 3 Users must log out correctly whenever they finish using the platform service. The Platform is not responsible for any damage or loss that occurs when a user fails to log out, such as a third party that may steal member information.

Chapter 3 Use of Service

Article 9 (Service Usage Hours)
  1. 1 Service must operate, in principle, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there are special business or technical problems with the Platform.
  2. 2 Among the usage hours in Paragraph 1, days or times set by the Platform due to the need for regular inspection, etc. are excluded.
Article 10 (Notice of Suspension of Service and Suspension)
  1. 1 If the contents of messages and other communication messages stored or transmitted in the platform services are not stored, deleted, not transmitted, or otherwise lost due to a national emergency, power outage, service facility failure outside the scope of the Platform's management, or other force majeure, the Platform shall not be held responsible for such loss.
  2. 2 If the Platform must temporarily suspend the service due to difficulties in providing normal service, the Service may be suspended after notifying the reason and date of suspension prior to service suspension, and the Platform shall not be held responsible if the member is not aware of the notice. Furthermore, the Platform shall not be responsible for cases where the contents of messages and other communication messages stored or transmitted in this Service are not stored or deleted, fail to be transmitted, or lose other communication data due to the suspension of the above service.
  3. 3 If the Service must be permanently discontinued due to the Platform’s circumstances, Paragraph 2 shall be applied.
  4. 4 The Platform may temporarily modify, change, or discontinue the Service after prior notice, and shall not bear any responsibility to members or third parties.
  5. 5 The Platform may temporarily suspend Services without notice due to unavoidable reasons, such as urgent system inspection, expansion, and replacement, and may completely suspend the currently provided Services for reasons deemed appropriate by the Platform, such as replacement with new services.
  6. 6 The Platform may restrict or suspend all or part of the Service if normal service provision is impossible due to a national emergency, power outage, service facility failure, or excessive service use. However, in this case, the reason and period will be disclosed to the user in advance or later.
  7. 7 In the case of service interruption due to reasons beyond the Platform's control (disk failure without intentional fault of the system administrator, system outage, etc.), advanced notice is not possible and no prior notice by shall be provided in case of system interruption due to intentional negligence other entities (PC communication companies, telecommunications carriers, etc.).
  8. 8 The Platform can divide the Service into specific ranges, and separately designate available times for each range. However, in this case, the details will be disclosed.
  9. 9 If a member acts in violation of these Terms and Conditions, the Platform may arbitrarily restrict or suspend the use of the Services, or terminate the service agreement without the member's consent. In this case, the Platform may prohibit access to the above users.
Article 11 (Provision of Information and Posting of PR Materials)
  1. 1 In operating the Service, the Platform may provide various information to members by posting on the Platform, email, etc.
  2. 2 The Platform may post promotional materials that are deemed appropriate for the Service or are of public interest.
Article 12 (Management and Operation of Platform Posts)
  1. 1 Members have the rights to the contents of their posts.
  2. 2 The Platform reserves the right to edit and move posted content without prior notice, and may delete it without prior notice in the following cases.
    1. 1 If a post that violates the Platform’s Terms and Conditions is published, or is judged to be commercial, illegal, obscene, or vulgar.
    2. 2 If the content defames other members or third parties, or damages their reputation through slander.
    3. 3 If the content violates public order and morals
    4. 4 If the content is recognized as being linked to a criminal act
    5. 5 If the content infringes on the copyright or other rights of a third party.
    6. 6 In case of violation of other relevant laws and regulations
  3. 3 Any civil or criminal liability arising from a member's post that infringes upon the copyright of another person must be fully borne by the member.
Article 13 (Restrictions on the Use of the Services)
  1. 1 If the information provided by a member is found to be false, or if reasonable grounds arise to suspect that it is false, the Platform may suspend part or all the member's use of this Service, and shall not be responsible for any resulting disadvantages.
  2. 2 The Platform may arbitrarily restrict or suspend the use of the Service if the member has acted in violation of these Terms and Conditions, including Article 15 (Member Obligations). In this case, the Platform may prohibit the member's access.

Chapter 4 Duties and Responsibilities

Article 14 (Platform Obligations)
  1. 1 The Platform does not engage in any acts prohibited by the law or these Terms and Conditions, or that are against public morals and morals, and has an obligation to strive to provide Services on a continuous and stable basis.
  2. 2 The Platform does not disclose or distribute members’ personal information to other parties without their consent. However, this does not apply if there is a request from a relevant state agency, etc. pursuant to relevant laws, such as telecommunications-related laws.
  3. 3 The Platform must have a security system that can protect users’ personal information (including credit information) so that users can use the Platform Service safely.
  4. 4 The Platform shall not be responsible for any service disruption caused by the user’s fault.
Article 15 (Member Obligations)
  1. 1 When registering as a member, the requested information must be entered accurately. Additionally, member information already provided must be maintained and updated to ensure that it is accurate. Likewise, members must not allow third parties to use their ID and password.
  2. 2 Members cannot engage in any commercial activities while using the Services without prior consent from the Platform.
  3. 3 Members may not use information obtained through the Platform Service by copying, duplicating, modifying, translating, publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise providing it to others without prior consent from the Platform.
  4. 4 Members must not engage in any of the following acts in relation to the use of the Platform Service.
    1. 1 Fraudulent use of another member’s password and ID
    2. 2 Transmitting, posting, publishing, emailing, or other methods of delivering content that is vulgar, obscene, insulting, threatening, or may infringe upon the personal information of other people
    3. 3 Disguising the source of content transmitted through the Services
    4. 4 Posting, publishing, emailing, or transmitting content that cannot be used by law or contract
    5. 5 Posting, publishing, emailing, or transmitting any content that infringes on another person's patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property rights
    6. 6 Posting, publishing, emailing, or transmitting any advertisements, promotional materials, spam emails, or other forms of solicitation that are not approved by the platform
    7. 7 Establishing or storing personal information of other users
    8. 8 Acts for the purpose of criminal activity or related to other criminal activities
    9. 9 Acts that harm good morals and other social order
    10. 10 Acts that defame or insult others’ reputation
    11. 11 Acts that infringe upon the rights of others, such as intellectual property rights
    12. 12 Hacking or spreading computer viruses
    13. 13 Acts that continuously transmit certain content, such as advertising information, against the will of others
    14. 14 Any action that may interfere with the safe operation of the Services
    15. 15 Changes to information posted on the Platform
    16. 16 Any act that violates Article 53, Paragraph 1 of the Telecommunications Business Act and Article 16 (Disturbing Communication) of the Enforcement Decree of the Telecommunications Business Act

Chapter 5 Others

Article 16 (Ownership of the Platform)
  1. 1 The intellectual property rights and other rights related to the Service provided by the Platform, the necessary software, images, marks, logos, designs, service names, information, and trademarks belong to the Platform.
  2. 2 All users are prohibited from modifying, lending, loaning, selling, distributing, producing, transferring, sublicensing, creating liens, or commercially using all or part of the property in the preceding paragraph, except in cases explicitly approved by the Platform, or allowing third parties to do the same.
Article 17 (Prohibition of Transfer)

Members may not transfer or surrender the right to use the Service or other status under the service agreement to another person, or provide them as collateral.

Article 18 (Compensation for Damages)

The Platform shall not be liable for any damage incurred to members in connection with Services that are provided free of charge, except for criminal acts committed intentionally by the Platform.

Article 19 (Disclaimer)
  1. 1 If the Platform is unable to provide Services due to a natural disaster, war, or other force majeure, the Platform shall be exempted from liability for service provision.
  2. 2 The Platform shall be exempted from liability if damage occurs due to the telecommunication service provider suspending or not providing telecommunication services properly.
  3. 3 The Platform shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons, such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, and construction of service facilities.
  4. 4 The Platform shall not be responsible if damage occurs due to a user's computer error, or due to a member entering personal information and email address incorrectly.
  5. 5 The Platform has no obligation to confirm or represent any opinions or information expressed on the Service, and shall not approve, oppose, or modify opinions expressed by members or third parties. Under no circumstances shall the Platform be liable for any profits or losses suffered by members based on information contained in the Service.
  6. 6 The Platform does not assume any responsibility in relation to product transactions or monetary transactions between members or between members and third parties through the Service, and is not responsible for the benefits expected by members in relation to the use of the Service.
  7. 7 The Platform shall not be responsible for the profit or loss expected by the user from using the Service, or for any damage caused by data obtained through the Service, and shall not be responsible for the contents, such as the reliability of the information, data, and facts posted by a member on this Service.
  8. 8 The Platform shall not be responsible for any damage caused by the user's intention or negligence in connection with the use of the Service.
  9. 9 The Platform shall not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and quality of the content of services provided by subscribers or other related organizations other than those provided by the Platform. Therefore, the Platform shall not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage suffered by users due to use of the above contents. Additionally, the Platform shall not be responsible for compensating users for any mental damage suffered by other users while using the Service.
Article 20 (Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction)

Disputes regarding the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions or use of the Service shall be resolved through consultation between the parties. If not resolved through consultation, they shall be resolved through litigation. The competent court shall be the district court with jurisdiction over the address of this Platform.

Information on Collection and Use of Personal Information

The MICE Business Innovation Platform collects the most essential personal information as follows to provide quality services.
Please be advised that the collected personal information will not be used for purposes other than those specified.

  • Personal information to be collected and used (required) : ID, password, name, date of birth, mobile phone number, and email
  • Purpose of collection and use of personal information : Membership management, provision of services within the MICE platform
  • Period of retention and use of personal information : Until membership withdrawal (loss of qualification)

The following information may be automatically collected during the use of the service.
- IP address, cookies, date and time of visit, service usage records, etc

In principle, members’ personal information is destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved. Therefore, when the information subject requests the withdrawal of membership, this platform shall destroy the member's personal information without delay.

Right to refuse consent and disadvantages of refusing consent
- You may refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information, but if you refuse, you may be subject to disadvantages, such as restrictions on platform membership and service use.

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